Parent Portal » Parent Guild

Parent Guild

Welcome to Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart! We hope that you will get involved in the life of your daughter’s school. No matter what your time or talent, we welcome you to be a part of the Parent Guild at Sacred Heart. Parent Guild involvement is an excellent way to meet other parents and stay informed about SHA happenings.
The Parent Guild includes all parents and/or guardians of students at the Academy. The functions of the Guild are to promote good will and understanding between home and school, to cooperate with the Head of School in maintaining high standards of the Academy, to aid the school financially, and to provide families with an opportunity to socialize and interact with other SHA families.
Please complete this brief survey  to let us know how you would like to get involved.
All are welcome! Please consider attending a meeting or volunteering to help with an event. Be sure to check the school calendar and weekly Parent Reminders for announcements and updates to the meetings and events listed below: 
Parent Guild Meetings
All Parent Guild meetings begin at 7:00 pm and are held in the SHA Cafeteria unless otherwise noted.
Parent Guild Events
Feel free to contact Parent Guild at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. 
Stay tuned for the 2024-25 Schedule of Activities!