About SHA » Accreditation and Governance

Accreditation and Governance

Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart is chartered by the Board of Regents of the State of New York and is an authorized International Baccalaureate World School. The Academy is a member of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), the International Coalition of Girls Schools (ICGS), the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), One Schoolhouse (formerly the Online School for Girls) and the Education Collaborative of Western New York (EdCo).

Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart is governed by a group of dedicated individuals who bring unique knowledge, experience and talents to their leadership roles to ensure that Sacred Heart Academy remains a healthy and vibrant community fulfilling its mission and vision every day.

Sole Member

Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity
Holy Name Province
Stella Niagara, New York

Board of Directors
Robert C. Beiswanger, Jr.
James Biddle
Lauren Byrd '03
Janice M. Cheney ‘80
Jennifer M. Demert, Esq. (Ex-officio)
Carrie Fahey
Sr. Jo-Anne Grabowski, osf '67
Khristian Powell King '03
Sr. Linda Lewandowski, osf ‘70
Christine Licata '63, President
Joan Horrigan Maira '77
Sr. Terri Miklitsch, osf
Gail Mitchell
Sr. Dorothy Mueller, osf '60
Melissa Weiksnar
Administrative Council
Jennifer M. Demert, Esq., Head of School
Michele Calandra, Director of Academics
Susan Reiser Daniels '92, Director of Advancement
Mary C. Ganey, Director of Admissions
Kathleen Grieco, Director of Finance