Academy Life » International Opportunities

International Opportunities

Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart offers international trips to students every summer. This opportunity to explore new cultures and communities enriches students beyond the classroom and helps develop a global perspective.

These optional trips*, chaperoned by faculty and staff, are presented two years prior to departure which gives students and families time to plan finances. Recents trips include a theater tour in London, a study of marine biology in the Bahamas, and a cultural and language immersion experience through France and Spain. In addition to return trips to both London (spring break 2025) and the Bahamas (February break 2025), new upcoming trips include Italy and Greece (summer 2024) and Vienna (summer 2025). 
In keeping with our Franciscan mission of serving others, Sacred Heart also sponsors service trips where students are immersed in cultures working alongside locals on projects ranging from Christian ministry and education to ecological community projects. Past trips have included the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Bahamas, and Zambia.

Sacred Heart also participates in the Dortmund Student Exchange Program and each year hosts students from Dortmund, Germany. Students live with SHA families and participate in school life for the fall semester. 
*Financial assistance is available for qualifying families.