The hallmark of Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart’s Counseling Center is the individualized attention and support it provides to each student.
The Counseling Center works closely with students throughout their four years to assist them with course selection, the college search, the application process and career planning. In addition, three full-time counselors meet with students individually and in the classroom setting to assist with college planning and preparation. Counselors also assist students in searching and applying for scholarships and financial aid through Naviance, a college and career search software program, and other online resources.
As students transition to a secondary school experience, the objective is to make sure each one is transitioning both academically and socially. Assistance is provided in goal setting and course selection, and all are encouraged to explore and identify their learning styles through a variety of activities and instruction. In addition, the importance of strong study skills is reinforced.
During sophomore seminar, girls are introduced to Naviance, a platform that supports students through their college and career exploration. The girls take a battery of interest analysis surveys and personality type assessments that help them explore jobs and careers. They also review the results of the PSAT and from this information counselors begin to have students consider majors and the types of colleges and universities that interest them. These considerations help the girls begin to narrow their college search and future course selections.
During junior year, girls continue their career and college exploration in Naviance. All juniors take the SAT at SHA and are also encouraged to take the ACT. Counselors meet individually with students to help develop their college list. Students are encouraged to begin college visits and are welcome to meet with college representatives who visit SHA, as well as participate in area college fairs.
At the start of the school year, seniors meet weekly during seminar with their counselors as they work through the college application process. They complete the Common Application and any supplements on Naviance. As girls move through this process, they consider whether they wish to apply Early Decision or Early Action at any colleges on their list and also need to be mindful of all deadlines and restrictions. Seniors can also continue to meet with college representatives who visit SHA and apply for outside scholarships. Both a calendar of college visits and a list of scholarships and deadlines can be found in Naviance and on the school website. Typically, seniors have completed all their college applications before Thanksgiving break and many have acceptance letters before Christmas. The Class of 2023 was offered more than $37 million in scholarships and grants.
College planning events for parents and students include:
- Financial Aid Parent Night
- Western New York College Consortium
- College Planning Night for Sophomores and Juniors and Parents
- Freshwomen Parent Information Night
- Career Exploration Day
- PSAT for Sophomores and Juniors
- SAT for Juniors
- National College Fair at Buffalo Convention Center
- Jesuit Excellence College Tour
- College Transition Panel with Young Alumni
- College Essay Writing Workshops (summer)
- Ongoing visits from college representatives

Ashley Lanfear
Counselor for Freshwomen (A-K), Sophomores (A-K), Juniors (A-K), and Seniors (A-I)
834-2101, ext. 313[email protected]

Kristin Clarke
Counselor for Freshwomen (L-Z), Sophomores (L-Z), Juniors (L-Z), and Seniors (J-Z)
834-2101, ext. 314[email protected]
Robyn Dhand '09
School Social Worker, LCSW
College Representatives: To schedule a visit with our high school, please visit
Transcript Request: Please use the link below to access the required form. Please allow at least one week for processing (5 business days).
Request for TranscriptNaviance Family Connection is a comprehensive website that you and your child can use to help in making decisions about courses, colleges, and careers. Family Connection is linked with Naviance Succeed, a service that the Counseling Center uses to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that is specific to our school.
Naviance Student LoginSAT/ACT: SHA's CEEB School Code #331770