Signature Programming » Leadership


The four-year Leadership Studies Program at Sacred Heart Academy is designed to empower girls to be leaders in our wider world. The curriculum is an integral and required part of each student’s high school experience at SHA. Through formal presentations and experiential learning, students develop the skills, values and confidence needed to serve as role models and leaders.

Leadership classes for freshwomen focus on developing greater self-esteem, awareness of personal strengths and recognition of personal values while exposing students to various types of leadership. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens serves as a resource for the introduction of practical skills including study habits, test taking strategies and healthy relationships.

As sophomores, students acquire essential listening and communication skills, study critical thinking techniques, and learn how to work effectively within the small group setting. They begin career assessment activities with SHA’s school counselors and are introduced to the practice of mindfulness.

Juniors develop their personal skills in seminar settings and formal presentations from speakers. In keeping with the Common Core standards, the fall semester focuses on Critical Reading and Writing skills. During the spring semester, students begin college and career exploration with the Counseling Center as well as build on their foundation of leadership skills and mindfulness techniques.

During senior year, students complete college applications and dive deeper into healthy relationship studies which includes programming through Crisis Services. Seniors draw upon all the leadership skills they have explored by completing class leadership projects. The projects have four mandatory guidelines: personal, innovative, passion-driven and skill-based. After completing their leadership projects, the seniors evaluate the procedures and reflect upon their leadership experiences. Their last step is to go forth and serve and lead in our wider world, driven by innovative ideas and a passion for positive change.