Sponsorship Opportunities

Sandstone and Christus Super Omnia Awards Dinner Sponsorship Benefits:
St. Francis Premier Sponsorship - $7,500
•    Two (2) front-row tables of 10
•    Full-page advertisement in event program book
•    Prominent logo placement on event page of SHA website
•    Exclusive company name and logo on event invitations
•    Company name and logo on all event signage
•    Direct links to company website on our Facebook page and other social media
•    “Thank You” notice on our receipt memos
•    Premium wine service and special gift for table guests
•    Table signage and Facebook “Thank you”

St. Clare Sponsorship(s) -$5,500
•    Two (2) tables of 10
•    Full-page advertisement in event program book
•    Company name and logo on event page of SHA website
•    Company name and logo on all event signage
•    Premium wine service
•    Table signage and Facebook “Thank you”

Brick and Mortar Sponsorship(s) - $3,500
•    One (1) table of 10
•    Half-page advertisement in event program book
•    Company name and logo on all event signage
•    Company name and logo on event page of SHA website
•    Table signage and Facebook “Thank you”

Maroon and White Sponsorship(s) - $2,500
•    One (1) table of 10
•    Quarter-page advertisement in event program book
•    Company name and logo on event signage
•    Company name and logo on Sandstone event page of SHA website
•    Table signage and Facebook “Thank you”

Other Sandstone sponsorship opportunities:
•    Paddle Sponsor- $2,000- Company name and logo on all auction paddles
•    Bar Sponsor – $ 1,500 - Company name and logo featured in all bar areas

These benefits can be tailored to meet your interests.
For more information, call Susan Reiser Daniels '92 at 834-2101 ext. 352